Friday, April 6, 2012

The Last Night

Well, we made it! OK, we aren't home yet, but we made it the whole week here...despite some sweaty-ness, some bug bites, a lot of rice, a lot of laughter, a few tears and lasting memories.  Today was our last day, so I think there were mixed emotions for everybody. We were excited to see the kids at OLTCH, but anticipating a sad goodbye at the end of the day. Seeing the completion of the house was satisfying but I still wonder how God will choose to use it now and in the future. I look at the wonderful people I came down here with and am grateful for the lasting friendships that took place.

Our last group devotion focused on Good Friday and the sacrifice our Savior made so many years ago. We reread the accounting of all Jesus went through between the betrayal, the trial, the accusations, the flogging, the mocking, and the crucifixion. My heart breaks every time I read Mark 15:12-39. He endured all of that for us, because he loved us so much. If you haven't taken time yet to read from the Bible this weekend, please steal away for a few moments and read about that incredible sacrifice. Jesus is the reason our team came down here - because he loved us first, we passed that love on to others. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for our team during our time of preparation and while we have been here. Please continue to pray for us as we return home and face the readjustment back to American life. Thank you to all who have been reading the blog and have contributed to the fundraising and financial support of this team. A lot was accomplished and you are the reason! The team will be speaking at the 9:30 service on April 13. I hope you can all come and hear from our lips what God has done.

Before I sign off, some specific prayer requests for our last day of travel tomorrow: Please pray for Donna as she stayed back from the orphanage today for health reasons. We would love to be able to return her home in a healthy state. Also, for Shari, Rob and Jackie who would like to get an earlier flight home on Saturday.

With love,

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